tisdag 12 oktober 2010

Graffiti hostel rules

Graffiti hostel i Barcelona, jag alskar vekligen det har stallet! Helt galet och sa stort skona manniskor. Det ar alltid fest har! Sangria party, BBQ party, pasta party, Ice cream party, cheap wine party... You name it!

Citat av chefen Jeff: If I'm gonna drink alcohol today? It's like asking if I'm gonna breath today! It always happens!

Det finns trots allt nagra regler man maste folja nar man bor pa Graffitit hostel (aven om det ar svart att tro) och det ar dessa:

1. Always wear a hat on Hat-wednesday
2. No hippies or reggies in the house
3. No needles unless you are an diabetic
4. Sharing is caring
5. Do what you do and do it well
6. No spilling of alcohol unless it's down the neck
7. There is no rule number seven
8.Don't say "cheers" with a closed beer

1 kommentar:

  1. "I know a guy who once saw the moon party" -party
